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Usage share of web browsers - WikipediaThe usage share of web browsers is the portion, often expressed as a percentage, of visitors to a group of web sites that use a particular web browser.
Free content - WikipediaThe 5Rs are put forward on the Open Content Project website as a framework for assessing the extent to which content is open:
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Closed-circuit television - WikipediaMany cities and motorway networks have extensive traffic-monitoring systems. Many of these cameras however, are owned by private companies and transmit data to drivers' GPS systems.
Derby - WikipediaThe town name appears as Darbye on early maps, such as that of John Speed, 1610. 10
Delhi - WikipediaThe people of Delhi are referred to as Delhiites or Dilliwalas. 35 The city is referenced in various idioms of the Northern Indo-Aryan languages. Examples include:
Derbyshire - WikipediaSeveral kings of Mercia are buried in the Repton area. 11
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